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Saturday, February 23, 2008

...If you could see me now. @ 11:06 PM

sorry for the lack of updates, as you all know, im a lazy bum:P
Zaris hates me! go read her blog and see why...hehehe,im sorry sweety.maybe some other time yeah? Anyways, woke up at 10 ishh. Im guessing SKBD had a 'gotong-royong' thing so my sister and brother ended up going, leaving momma, my other sister and yours truly...so that lil brat wanted to eat at McD's since they just launch a new breakfast menu if im not mistaken. I was soo malas to get up but i managed and got ready and blah but sadly when we got there, we had no place to park the friggin car..damnnn!

Finally parked at BVII, crossed the street to Czip Lee, i had t0 buy revision books for kh blerghhh!
and some stationary...then, we jalanjalan till about 12 apparently,telawi street has plenty of boutiques..ilikeee(X. All of a sudden i looked at my phone and it was 12.25 =O. Rushed of to pick up them up from school, we were a tensy-bit-late but my sister had to make a big fuss out off is...sheshh! cant even wait 15 minutes! Had lunch and got back home.....lepak-lepak did some homework/tution work till dad got back. Then, we all went out to The Gardens. As soon as we reached, our tummies started to grumble. I wanted to try yo! sushi  but they all disagreed =/ So they finally decided to eat at Tony Roma's(sp?)...Me and dad shared a salad while everybody else was not eating anything green. Somehow, i wasnt in the mood to eat much.
After that, we walked around and finally got back home..atlast!

Big Apple(: sadly,these were the only flavours left.

uwhh! the mosquito left its prints on my hand.....ekkkkk!

a book i bought at Czip Lee called 'If you could see me now' by Cecelia Ahern.
that explains the title of todays blog..hehe(X


Sunday, February 17, 2008

She hates time,make it stop. @ 10:34 PM

just got back from BSC, followed mummy go groceries and had dinner....i know it's lame but what the heck....there's nothing to do at home...and now,i feel so freakkin fat =//
urghh! i need to exercise!!! i have the walking machine thiggy magic but we all hardly use it. It's already collecting dust..ewww!!
dad says its better to go jog outside. Alone?? hell no! Then he said
i should bring my sister but she's as thin as a stick,seriously!! Plus she's only NINE
After that he said he'll go jog with me...o.0 you've got to be kidding!!! since when is he ever going
to do stuffs like these....sheesh!
Anyways, tomorrow's a school day =/ The weekends are never enough, i wish i could stop time or something..yeah,that'll be fantastic! Well,i have to pack my bag and maybe read a book or whatever.

be my exercise buddy,will you(:

Lotsa love,mwah!


Saturday, February 16, 2008

sweeeet (; @ 10:10 PM

how was your v-day?
well, i know is kinda late to talk about it but i will,heh(:

Arrived school quite early like around 7.15-ish,didnt want to be late again. Wished a few people,
sat down and had an early morning chit chat then,the bell rang. The school looked the same, no  decors at all. Proceded to class, nobody was in the mood yet...im guessing it's because we had agama first period. Go figure. Then we had 
blah..blah..blah....*ding*recess! There was this group
of student selling flowers 
 and other stuffs, dont really know what else..i had no business being there anyway, but i 
saw plenty of humans walking around with variety of rosses. I even saw this guy handing out a single rose to this girl....awhhh(;

Then we all went up, continue with learning until math which was the last period. There weren't
many people in class,tho because some of them had to go down and practise for 'Hari Muhibbah".
So, while doing the equations shit, my friend sat next to me and started giving me hints....
i didnt want to believe it all because that woould be to perasan arent i right? So yeah, i wont tell you everything..but what i can tell you is, about 10 minutes before school ended, i got a
flower! (no,i wont mention his name here!)
it made my day ( ;
Got home, took a bath, ate a bit, out for tuition and then back home,i found a box of ferrero's
on the table for mamma(:....haha! my dad actually remembered this time!

 im gonna show pictures now....

thanks for the mix tape, ILY hannah(:

the rose barfed out skittles



a very happy girl,indeed(:

Lotsa loove,mwah!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

.....& i dont mind(: @ 5:36 PM

havent been posting anything....i just didnt have the time.
School was fine.  Uwhh! did i tell you that we all had to do our english oral today, mine's about DIABETES
I got so freaking nervous because she picks the students at random =O soo, i was reading over and over and over and over and over (hehe,im gonna stop now) again just to make sure everything was purrrrfect but i ended up doing mine on friday instead cause we didnt have much time...like wtf?!? the ones who did do their oral were all so lucky...atleast it was over and done for them..
hmph! I guess i wasnt random enough eyh?
Nadia (that women who sits next to me in class) couldnt make it today and i have no idea why. Her sms woke me up this morning..haha! my alarm clock(:

Something happend,bbut i dont think i should write it here.heh!

All the girls in my class went down to the bengkel for Kemahiran Hidup late. Our teacher got pissed, so she made us write
'Saya akan turun ke bengkel selewat-lewatnya 10 minit dari waktu kelas.
 Saya akan sentiasa membawa buku nota, buku teks dan kelengkapan.

 Saya bersedia didenda guru.
(soo not true!)
TWENTY times on our note book. Crapp, more homework for me. As if i dont have enough..

Most teachers will be busy for the whole week because of Hari Muhibbah this saturday,any of you going?
  not sure if im am tho, i have no baju kurung! i mean,i do but i dont remember where i kept it or something...all the raya clothes i have in my closet are my kebaya's which the school wont allow because it's to 'ketat' and follows your body shape. They also dont allow you to wear heels, sandals, slippers and anything else besides......school shoes *sigh*

Anyways, we all know what day it is tomorrow. Yes, it is Saint Valentines Day. Where most of the people will exchange gifts, hand out rosses,  choclates, candies and teddies to their somebody's.
I am valentine-less, but that's okayh. I still have my f.r.i.e.n.d.s. kan? I.L.Y. all C=
speaking of candies, i found a packet of
skittles and im gonna bring that tommorow( :
    "Like the little school mate in the school yard
              We'll play jacks and UNO cards
              I'll be your best friend and you'll be mine

Lotsa love,mwah!

(i know its a doesnt look like a heart AT ALL)

She says

love lockdown
Im SyazrenHuzaimi and I love my babygirls(:

She Clicks

Alia Astaman

She Reminisces

January 2008, February 2008, March 2008, April 2008, May 2008, July 2008, August 2008, September 2008, October 2008, November 2008, January 2009, February 2009, March 2009, May 2009, June 2009, July 2009, November 2009, December 2009,

She Uses

Designer: infravermelho
Codes: mannequin}